Field of Interest: Pulmonology

Stress, negative emotions may up stroke and TIA risk

Stress, hostility, and depressive symptoms appear to increase the risk of stroke and transient ischemic attack in middle-aged and older adults, according to findings from the Multi-Ethnic Study of...

Field of Interest: Pulmonology
Type: News Item

ACP pelvic guidelines could lead to care variations

The new pelvic exam guidelines from the American College of Physicians may be a relief for women who would prefer to forgo the annual ritual, but they could also lead to variation in well-woman care,...

Field of Interest: Pulmonology
Type: News Item

No blood clot risk found with HPV vaccination

The quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine does not increase the risk of venous thromboembolism, a study showed. Two previous studies finding an association, one based on the Vaccine Adverse...

Field of Interest: Pulmonology
Type: News Item

Donated IVF eggs linked to gestational hypertension

MUNICH – Women pregnant with an embryo produced by in vitro fertilization of a donated egg developed gestational hypertension at nearly four times the rate of matched women who were pregnant...

Field of Interest: Pulmonology
Type: News Item

Birth defect risk low in celiac disease

Pregnant mothers with celiac disease have little to fear when it comes to birth defects, despite previous underpowered reports to the contrary, wrote Daniela Zugna, Ph.D., and her colleagues in the...

Field of Interest: Pulmonology
Type: News Item


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