EFIM General Assembly, Milan

We would like to thank all the members of the EFIM General Assembly who joined us in Milan. This year’s General Assembly was held on 31 August at the spectacular University of Milan, in conjunction with the 16th European Congress of Internal Medicine.

ESIM Summer 2017 - Ede, the Netherlands

The first European Summer School of Internal Medicine in Ede (the Netherlands) has taken place from 25th till the 30th of Juny 2017 in Akoesticum.  With fantastic help of The Dutch Society of Internal Medicine (NIV) the committee has organized and carried out an excellent event. The general theme of the week was ‘Internal Medicine in Harmony’, a perfect theme for a school held in a performers arts training centre, in a world where residents have to perform many more roles besides the role of medical expert.

3rd EFIM Day Meeting - 17 March, Brussels

We would like to thank everyone who took part at the 3rd  EFIM Day meeting that was held at the EFIM Headquarters in Brussels on 17 March.
More than 60 EFIM representatives from 24 national internal medicine societies in Europe assembled for the 3rd EFIM Day at the EFIM Headquarters in Brussels on 17 March. Presidents, Board Members and Young Internists participated in a lively discussion on the current EFIM activities and new avenues to explore in the future.

European Curriculum of Internal Medicine approved by the UEMS Council

Great news for the European internal medicine community!
The European Curriculum of Internal Medicine was formally approved by the UEMS Council on 22 October, 2016. In the coming months, the European Board of Internal Medicine will consider strategies aimed at implementing the new curriculum across Europe, in collaboration with EFIM and the national internal medicine societies. 

European School of Internal Medicine 13 - 18 June 2016 Costa Rei - Muravera Sardinia

Yet another Summer School reflected the beauty and creativity enforced by EFIM. This international, interactive and truly inspiring event was enriched by tremendous efforts and academic excellence of the teachers. Prof.Nicola Montano and his team from the Italian Society of Internal Medicine SIMI has once more organized and carried out an outstanding event, with a fine mélange of an excellent scientific program, humour and team spirit. This year however was The compassion of the participating professors met the inquisitiveness of the residents. To read full report by Dr.

EFIM General Assembly, 29 August Lisbon, Portugal

We are happy to announce that the following EFIM General Assembly will take place on Thursday, 28  August at the Lisbon Congress Center. The meeting will be held during the 18th European Congress of Internal Medicine organised by EFIM.

To find more details about the upcoming General Assembly in Lisbon, please visit the GA Lisbon page.

EFIM new Statutes were adopted

EFIM made a history on 21st of June adopting the new Statutes during the Extraordinary General Assembly held at the notary office in Brussels.
The new statutes were redefined to reflect the current needs and manage the Federation more easily, to deal more effectively with new issues that might arise, to introduce fair voting balance between member countries. All 31 Ordinary members approved the draft changes and granted Dr. Frank Bosch, EFIM President with a proxy to hold a general meeting and sign the notarial deed at the notary office in Brussels.


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