Young Internists group in Latvia

In Latvia YI group was found recently and it is within the structure of Latvian Society of Internal Medicine. YI group consists of some young internists, but it does not have strict structure. Usually the group gets together when there are some projects. The current project is organization of ESIM Winter school 2016 in Riga. Our main future plan is to form regular YI group in Riga as well as to develop YI internet page (probably on Facebook).


Taining in Internal Medicine in Latvia

We have two medical schools (Riga Stradiņš University and University of Latvia) both run Internal Medicine residency programme. Internal Medicine is considered as a major specialty, so anyone who has a Medical Doctor diploma can apply. Length of the programme is three years (but currently Latvian Society of Internal Medicine consider to change curriculum to a 5 years training programme).

There are some subspecialties of Internal Medicine recognized in Latvia (to apply to the residency programme the applicant must hold the Internal Medicine certificate):

  • Nephrology (two years),
  • Gastroenterology (three years),
  • Pulmonology (two years),
  • Rheumatology (three years) and
  • Endocrinology (three years).

Furthermore there are these other subspecialties of Medicine recognized in Latvia (to apply to their residency programmes the applicant must hold any specialty certificate of a major speciality; see below for further information on major specialties):

  • Alergology (two years),
  • Algology (one year),
  • Immunology (one year),
  • Palliative care (one year) and
  • Transfusiology (two years).

Following specialities are considered as major specialities (does not need Internal Medicine certificate to apply):

  • Medical oncology (five years),
  • Cardiology (four years),
  • Haematology (three years) and
  • Infectious diseases (four years).

Attention! Some medical societies are currently working on their curricula of study programmes, so during these years some changes may be added.


Moving to Latvia to train or work in Internal Medicine

There are no restrictions in Latvia comparing those who graduated in Latvia and those who graduated in from the Medical University abroad. To enter the residency programme person must hold:

  • Medical Doctor diploma (for those who studied abroad Diploma must be recognized by the local authority: Ministry of Health and Latvian Society of Physicians),
  • Proof of Latvian language proficiency and
  • Registration in the Registry of medical specialists of Latvia.

If the applicant has completed the residency programme not in Latvia, then if residency programme is compatible with the same speciality residency programme in Latvia, the applicant must undergo a speciality examination to proof his skills and knowledge.


Society of Physicians of Latvia affairs about certification of Medical Specialities:

Inspectorate of Health responsible for registration of medical specialists in Latvia:

Centre of Government Language responsible for the proof of Latvian language proficiency:

Medical Universities in Latvia – Riga Stradiņš University:

University of Latvia:

Ministry of Health of Latvia – any additional information:


This page has been prepared by Georgijs Moisejevs, member of YI of Latvia, April 2015.


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