Published: 9 February 2023
Author(s): Margherita Zen, Laura Salmaso, Claudio Barbiellini Amidei, Ugo Fedeli, Stefania Bellio, Luca Iaccarino, Andrea Doria, Mario Saia
Issue: June 2023
Section: Original article

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a complex, severe autoimmune disease which can potentially lead to life-threatening manifestations and therapy-associated complications. Common causes of death in SLE patients include severe refractory manifestations, infections, cardiovascular diseases (CVD), and malignancies [1]. A meta-analysis of studies published between 1950 and 2016 on SLE mortality worldwide showed an increasing survival in both high-income and low-/middle-income countries until the mid-1990s, which was followed by a stable plateau [2].


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