Vaccines matter for each of us: yearly, they prevent 2.7 million people from contracting measles, one million from getting whooping cough and two million babies from getting tetanus. They eradicated smallpox. They stopped polio, a dreadful disease affecting millions of children, in almost all... more
Vaccines matter for each of us: yearly, they prevent 2.7 million people from contracting measles, one million from getting whooping cough and two million babies from getting tetanus. They eradicated smallpox. They stopped polio, a dreadful disease affecting millions of children, in almost all... more
EMA Report on Personalised Medicines
Patients' and Consumers' Working Party (PCWP) and Healthcare Professionals' Working Party (HCPWP) joint workshop on personalised medicines (14/03/2017).
PDF here.