We are pleased to announce that we have opened the call for the host selection of the ESIM 2025 - 2026/27 summer school.
National Societies wishing to host ESIM should submit their application to EFIM Secretariat on info@efim.org  or aneta.trajkovska@efim.org that should include the following essential information:

  • Director: the name and position of their candidate, who should be an Internist with good experience in organizing postgraduate meetings and be fluent in English.
  • Venue: one or more choices of venue for the School can be proposed. These should offer good facilities for lectures, seminars and workshops, and should have residential accommodation close by. For budgetary reasons this may often be in University facilities.
  • Administrative support: secretarial and other support to the Director to organize the scientific and social programmes, accommodation, travel arrangements, electronic registration and manage the website.
  • Budget: provide an outline budget based on the existing registration fee (1250 Euros per person including VAT); if a change in the fee is necessary, it must be approved by the Executive Committee. The School should be self-financing with no necessity for financial support from outside sources, such as the national Society or the Pharmaceutical Industry.

If you are interested in applying, please do not hesitate to contact us to receive additional guidelines on the school.
Deadline to send your application is Monday 26 February 2024.



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