Published: 21 April 2022
Author(s): Mae Cuérel, Marc-André Raetzo, Kevin Selby, Omar Kherad
Issue: August 2022
Section: Letter to the Editor

Choosing Wisely (CW) campaigns have spread around the world to stimulate conversations between physicians and patients about unnecessary tests, treatments, and procedures that account for up to 20% of all medical costs [1]. The Swiss Society of General Internal medicine (SSGIM) played a pioneering role by launching the “Smarter Medicine Choosing Wisely Switzerland” campaign with the first top-five list in 2016 and five additional items 2021 (Table 1) [2]. The present study examined how general practitioners (GP) working in a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) agree with and report adhering to the Swiss Choosing wisely top-five lists of unnecessary interventions.


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