April 2019

29 Articles

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Compassionate use of unauthorized drugs: Legal regulations and ethical challenges

26 April 2019
Author(s): Jan Borysowski, Andrzej Górski

Compassionate use (also referred to as expanded access) is therapeutic use of unauthorized drugs outside of clinical trials. The objective of this review is to discuss practical aspects of the... more

High-flow nasal cannula oxygenation utilization in respiratory failure

25 April 2019
Author(s): Andrea Boccatonda, Paolo Groff

High flow nasal cannula (HFNC) represents a new oxygenation system to be used in the treatment of respiratory emergencies. During HFNC therapy, the active humidification and air heating system allow... more

Euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis

23 March 2019
Author(s): Leonid Barski, Tamar Eshkoli, Evgenia Brandstaetter, Alan Jotkowitz

Euglycemic DKA (eu-DKA) is a life-threatening emergency. It may occur in patients with both type 1 and type 2 DM, and characterized by milder degrees of hyperglycemia with blood glucose level < ... more

Refining diagnosis and management of chronic venous disease: Outcomes of a modified Delphi consensus process

18 March 2019
Author(s): Teresa Lucia Aloi, Giuseppe Camporese, Marcello Izzo, Dimitris Kontothanassis, Angelo Santoliquido

Chronic venous disease (CVD) is a common condition with major health consequences that is associated with poor long-term prognosis, significant socioeconomic impact, disabling symptoms and reduced... more


Recent published hypertension guidelines: A critical approach

27 April 2019
Author(s): Athanasios J. Manolis, Manolis S. Kallistratos

Since 2012, doctors encountered a tsunami of new guidelines in the field of hypertension. >8 guidelines have been published by different societies or groups, causing confusion not only among... more

The management of anticoagulant treatment in non-valvular atrial fibrillation real-world patients

25 March 2019
Author(s): Emanuele Valeriani, Walter Ageno

The interest on the primary and secondary prevention of stroke in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) has greatly increased after the introduction of the direct oral anticoagulants... more

Internal Medicine Flashcard

An incidental finding of metallic objects in a patient with chronic renal failure

21 March 2019
Author(s): Matan Fischer, Mati Mordechai Shavit, Ittamar Gork

A 69 year old male presented with one month of general weakness and progressive shortness of breath. Workup revealed a large unknown pleural effusion, and he was admitted to our hospital for... more

An elderly man with fever, dyspnoea and eosinophilia

20 March 2019
Author(s): Shuwei Zheng

An 81-year-old man presented to the author's hospital with one-week history of fever, non-productive cough and intermittent desaturations. This patient has known penicillin allergy, chronic hepatitis... more

Letter to the Editor

Interleukin 10 related to lymphopenia in lupus

26 April 2019
Author(s): A. Dima, I. Pricopi, E. Balanescu, P. Balanescu, C. Baicus

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a heterogeneous autoimmune condition characterized by a wide range of cytokines and antibodies production. The interleukin 10 (IL-10) is one of the most studied... more

A simple audit of the quality of care during internal medicine admissions

24 April 2019
Author(s): Ami Schattner

Performance measurement in the health care system and especially in hospitals has expanded dramatically in recent years, but remains complex and inconsistent [1].

Urgent reforms for general practice in Italy

20 April 2019
Author(s): Livio Garattini, Anna Padula

Following the letter by Colombo and Parisi [1], first of all we thank the authors for their positive comments on our earlier editorial [2]. Actually, their letter adds interesting information from... more

Women in internal medicine academic positions in France

10 April 2019
Author(s): Fleur Cohen Aubart, Anaïs Roeser, Nathalie Costedoat-Chalumeau, Thomas Papo, Jean-Charles Piette

Created in 1958, university hospital centers are French public health institutions linked to a university. They have a triple mission of care, teaching and research. At the same time, the position of... more

Seeking identity in primary care. A survey on GPs trainees in Lombardy

3 April 2019
Author(s): Alessandro Colombo, Giulia Parisi

The role and identity of the general practitioner (GP) in the frame of primary care have significantly changed. The article of Livio Garattini and Anna Padula [1] compares the main traditional... more

On cancer and atrial fibrillation: Nuances and limitations

1 April 2019
Author(s): Marc Sorigue

In a recent study, Malavasi et al. [1] describe the prevalence and predictive factors for anticoagulant use in a cohort of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and cancer admitted into an oncology... more

Issues regarding ambulatory blood pressure measurement in severely obese population: The guilty upper-arm

26 March 2019
Author(s): Marie-Ève Leblanc, Marie-Eve Piché, Paul Poirier

We read with great interest the paper by Głuszewska et al, [1] recently published in the journal of European Journal of Internal Medicine reporting blood pressure (BP) changes following bariatric... more

Impact of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate polysaccharide vaccination on severe exacerbations in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and established cardiovascular disease

20 March 2019
Author(s): J.M. Figueira Gonçalves, M.A. García Bello, N. Bethencourt Martín, D. Díaz Pérez, Lina Inmaculada Pérez-Méndez

Immunocompromised patients with certain underlying diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or cardiovascular disease (CVD), are more susceptible to Streptococcus pneumoniae (... more

Cardiovascular comorbidities in patients with West Nile disease infection: An unexplored issue

20 March 2019
Author(s): Loris Roncon, Marco Zuin, Filippo Viviani

Over the latest years, the incidence of West-Nile virus (WNV) infection has increased dramatically in some Italian regions, as in the North-east of Italy [1,2]. However, data regarding the prevalence... more

A man with psoriasis like rash

19 March 2019
Author(s): Halil Yildiz, Liliane Marot, Jean Cyr Yombi

A 74-year-old man was admitted for diffuse skin lesions since several months. His past medical history included type 2 diabetes, hypertension, chronic heart failure and chronic kidney disease. Skin... more

Narrative Review

The subcutaneous implantable cardioverter-defibrillator: Current trends in clinical practice between guidelines and technology progress

17 April 2019
Author(s): Carmen Adduci, Hussam Ali, Pietro Francia, Riccardo Mantovani, Francesca Palano, Pierpaolo Lupo, Sara Foresti, Guido De Ambroggi, Riccardo Cappato

The subcutaneous implantable cardioverter defibrillator (S-ICD) is a valuable alternative to the conventional trans-venous ICD (TV-ICD) for the prevention of sudden cardiac death (SCD). Prospective... more

Original Article

Clinical and patient reported outcomes of the multidisciplinary management in patients with inflammatory bowel disease-associated spondyloarthritis

29 April 2019
Author(s): Michele Maria Luchetti, Devis Benfaremo, Emanuele Bendia, Laura Bolognini, Giammarco Fava, Francesco Marini, Antonio Di Sario, Monia Ciferri, Francesca Di Nicola, Valentina Marconi, Lucia Perini, Lucia Manfredi, Giovanni Pomponio, Piergiorgio Mosca, Antonio Benedetti, Armando Gabrielli

Arthritis is the most frequent extra-intestinal manifestation in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). The coexistence of intestinal and articular inflammation advocates the need for a... more

Serum endotrophin levels in patients with heart failure with reduced and mid-range ejection fraction

26 April 2019
Author(s): Hasan Eruzun, İlkim Deniz Toprak, Yücel Arman, Uğur Yılmaz, Mustafa Özcan, Yasin Kutlu, Sedat Irmak, Orkide Kutlu, Şengül Aydın Yoldemir, Özgür Altun, Eylem Özgün Çil, Tufan Tükek

Endotrophin, a type VI collagen cleavage product, has fibrosis, and insulin resistance effects. Type VI collagen also plays a role in cardiac fibrosis. In this study, we aimed to investigate the role... more

Assessment of the procoagulant potential and associated risk factors in pregnant patients with inflammatory bowel diseases

26 April 2019
Author(s): Amihai Rottenstreich, Maayan Diminsky, Sorina Grisaru Granovsky, Tali Mishael, Batia Roth, Galia Spectre, Yosef Kalish, Eran Goldin, Ariella Bar-Gil Shitrit

Both inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) and pregnancy are established risk factors for thrombotic complications, thus IBD pregnant patients can be considered at even greater risk for thrombosis as... more

Disparities in osteoporosis by race/ethnicity, education, work status, immigrant status, and economic status in the United States

25 April 2019
Author(s): Allen J. Tsai

Osteoporosis is one of the most common bone health diseases affecting older adults in US. Addressing disparities in osteoporosis will help to enhance the quality of bone care in the nation's bone... more

Hepatitis C virus infection and risk of coronary artery disease: A meta-analysis

18 April 2019
Author(s): Dan Wen, Xin Du, Jian-Zeng Dong, Chang-Sheng Ma

A few recent studies have demonstrated that hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection was associated with coronary artery diseases (CAD). However, there still existed studies did not confirm this correlation...

Impact of underlying chronic adrenal insufficiency on clinical course of hospitalized patients with adrenal crisis: A nationwide cohort study

10 April 2019
Author(s): Masahiro Iwasaku, Shiro Tanaka, Maki Shinzawa, Koji Kawakami

Chronic adrenal insufficiency (AI) is an established risk factor for adrenal crisis (AC). However, the proportion of patients with newly diagnosed chronic AI during admission for AC is unclear.

The fat-to-mlean mass ratio, a novel anthropometric index, is associated to glucose metabolic disorders

2 April 2019
Author(s): Claudia I. Gamboa-Gómez, Luis E. Simental-Mendía, Martha Rodríguez-Morán, Fernando Guerrero-Romero

The aim was to evaluate whether the Fat-to-Lean Mass (FyM) ratio is associated to glucose metabolic disorders (GMD).

Role of age and comorbidities in mortality of patients with infective endocarditis

20 March 2019
Author(s): Carlos Armiñanzas, Concepción Fariñas-Alvarez, Jesús Zarauza, Patricia Muñoz, Víctor González Ramallo, Manuel Martínez Sellés, José Mª. Miró Meda, Juan Manuel Pericás, Miguel Ángel Goenaga, Guillermo Ojeda Burgos, Regino Rodríguez Álvarez, Laura Castelo Corral, Juan Gálvez-Acebal, Francisco Javier Martínez Marcos, Maria Carmen Fariñas, the Spanish Collaboration on Endocarditis — Grupo de Apoyo al Manejo de la Endocarditis Infecciosa en Espana Study Group, Fernando Fernández Sánchez, Mariam Noureddine, Gabriel Rosas, Javier de la Torre Lima, José Aramendi, Elena Bereciartua, María José Blanco, Roberto Blanco, María Victoria Boado, Marta Campaña Lázaro, Alejandro Crespo, Josune Goikoetxea, José Ramón Iruretagoyena, Josu Irurzun Zuazabal, Leire López-Soria, Miguel Montejo, Javier Nieto, David Rodrigo, David Rodríguez, Regino Rodríguez, Yolanda Vitoria, Roberto Voces, Mª. Victoria García López, Radka Ivanova Georgieva, Guillermo Ojeda, Isabel Rodríguez Bailón, Josefa Ruiz Morales, Ana María Cuende, Tomás Echeverría, Ana Fuerte, Eduardo Gaminde, Miguel Ángel Goenaga, Pedro Idígoras, José Antonio Iribarren, Alberto Izaguirre Yarza, Xabier Kortajarena Urkola, Carlos Reviejo, Rafael Carrasco, Vicente Climent, Patricio Llamas, Esperanza Merino, Joaquín Plazas, Sergio Reus, Nemesio Álvarez, José María Bravo-Ferrer, Laura Castelo, José Cuenca, Pedro Llinares, Enrique Miguez Rey, María Rodríguez Mayo, Efrén Sánchez, Dolores Sousa Regueiro, Francisco Javier Martínez, Mª. del Mar Alonso, Beatriz Castro, Dácil García Rosado, Mª. del Carmen Durán, Mª. Antonia Miguel Gómez, Juan Lacalzada, Ibrahim Nassar, Antonio Plata Ciezar, José Mª. Reguera Iglesias, Víctor Asensi Álvarez, Carlos Costas, Jesús de la Hera, Jonnathan Fernández Suárez, Lisardo Iglesias Fraile, Víctor León Arguero, José López Menéndez, Pilar Mencia Bajo, Carlos Morales, Alfonso Moreno Torrico, Carmen Palomo, Begoña Paya Martínez, Ángeles Rodríguez Esteban, Raquel Rodríguez García, Mauricio Telenti Asensio, Manuel Almela, Juan Ambrosioni, Manuel Azqueta, Mercè Brunet, Marta Bodro, Ramón Cartañá, Carlos Falces, Guillermina Fita, David Fuster, Cristina García de la Mària, Marta Hernández-Meneses, Jaume Llopis Pérez, Francesc Marco, José M. Miró, Asunción Moreno, David Nicolás, Salvador Ninot, Eduardo Quintana, Carlos Paré, Daniel Pereda, Juan M. Pericás, José L. Pomar, José Ramírez, Irene Rovira, Elena Sandoval, Marta Sitges, Dolors Soy, Adrián Téllez, José M. Tolosana, Bárbara Vidal, Jordi Vila, Iván Adán, Javier Bermejo, Emilio Bouza, Daniel Celemín, Gregorio Cuerpo Caballero, Antonia Delgado Montero, Ana Fernández Cruz, Ana García Mansilla, Mª. Eugenia García Leoni, Víctor González Ramallo, Martha Kestler Hernández, Amaia Mari Hualde, Mercedes Marín, Manuel Martínez-Sellés, Mª. Cruz Menárguez, Patricia Muñoz, Cristina Rincón, Hugo Rodríguez-Abella, Marta Rodríguez-Créixems, Blanca Pinilla, Ángel Pinto, Maricela Valerio, Pilar Vázquez, Eduardo Verde Moreno, Isabel Antorrena, Belén Loeches, Alejandro Martín Quirós, Mar Moreno, Ulises Ramírez, Verónica Rial Bastón, María Romero, Araceli Saldaña, Jesús Agüero Balbín, Cristina Amado, Carlos Armiñanzas Castillo, Ana Arnaiz García, Manuel Cobo Belaustegui, María Carmen Fariñas, Concepción Fariñas-Álvarez, Rubén Gómez Izquierdo, Iván García, Claudia González-Rico, Manuel Gutiérrez-Cuadra, José Gutiérrez Díez, Marcos Pajarón, José Antonio Parra, Aurelio Sarralde, Ramón Teira, Jesús Zarauza, Fernando Domínguez, Pablo García Pavía, Jesús González, Beatriz Orden, Antonio Ramos, Tomasa Centella, José Manuel Hermida, José Luis Moya, Pilar Martín-Dávila, Enrique Navas, Enrique Oliva, Alejandro del Río, Soledad Ruiz, Carmen Hidalgo Tenorio, Manuel Almendro Delia, Omar Araji, José Miguel Barquero, Román Calvo Jambrina, Marina de Cueto, Juan Gálvez Acebal, Irene Méndez, Isabel Morales, Luis Eduardo López-Cortés, Arístides de Alarcón, Emilio García, Juan Luis Haro, José Antonio Lepe, Francisco López, Rafael Luque, Luis Javier Alonso, Pedro Azcárate, José Manuel Azcona Gutiérrez, José Ramón Blanco, Lara García-Álvarez, José Antonio Oteo, Mercedes Sanz, Natividad de Benito, Mercé Gurguí, Cristina Pacho, Roser Pericas, Guillem Pons, M. Álvarez, A.L. Fernández, Amparo Martínez, A. Prieto, Benito Regueiro, E. Tijeira, Marino Vega, Andrés Canut Blasco, José Cordo Mollar, Juan Carlos Gainzarain Arana, Oscar García Uriarte, Alejandro Martín López, Zuriñe Ortiz de Zárate, José Antonio Urturi Matos, Gloria García Domínguez, Antonio Sánchez-Porto, José Mª. Arribas Leal, Elisa García Vázquez, Alicia Hernández Torres, Ana Blázquez, Gonzalo de la Morena Valenzuela, Ángel Alonso, Javier Aramburu, Felicitas Elena Calvo, Anai Moreno Rodríguez, Paola Tarabini-Castellani, Eva Heredero Gálvez, Carolina Maicas Bellido, José Largo Pau, Mª. Antonia Sepúlveda, Pilar Toledano Sierra, Sadaf Zafar Iqbal-Mirza, Eva Cascales Alcolea, Pilar Egea Serrano, José Joaquín Hernández Roca, Ivan Keituqwa Yañez, Ana Peláez Ballesta, Víctor Soriano, Eduardo Moreno Escobar, Alejandro Peña Monje, Valme Sánchez Cabrera, David Vinuesa García, María Arrizabalaga Asenjo, Carmen Cifuentes Luna, Juana Núñez Morcillo, Mª. Cruz Pérez Seco, Aroa Villoslada Gelabert, Carmen Aured Guallar, Nuria Fernández Abad, Pilar García Mangas, Marta Matamala Adell, Mª. Pilar Palacián Ruiz, Juan Carlos Porres, Begoña Alcaraz Vidal, Nazaret Cobos Trigueros, María Jesús Del Amor Espín, José Antonio Giner Caro, Roberto Jiménez Sánchez, Amaya Jimeno Almazán, Alejandro Ortín Freire, Monserrat Viqueira González, Pere Pericás Ramis, Mª. Ángels Ribas Blanco, Enrique Ruiz de Gopegui Bordes, Laura Vidal Bonet, Mª. Carmen Bellón Munera, Elena Escribano Garaizabal, Antonia Tercero Martínez, Juan Carlos Segura Luque

The aim of this study was to analyse the characteristics of patients with IE in three groups of age and to assess the ability of age and the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) to predict mortality.

Review Article

Management of small renal masses: An interventional radiologist's perspective

24 April 2019
Author(s): Michael Leshen, Devang Butani

Renal cell carcinoma is relatively common malignancy. Its imaging features are often non-specific and can present a diagnostic dilemma for clinicians. Historically, all patients with a renal mass... more

Special Article

Appropriateness, inappropriateness and waste of resources: Unfulfilled expectations?

19 April 2019
Author(s): Fulvio Camerini, Enrico Fabris, Gianfranco Sinagra

Recent years have been characterised by an increased awareness in the fact that a high number of overused diagnostic imaging, medications and procedures provide no benefit to patients and may even... more


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