March 2020

21 Articles

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Alcohol consumption and risk of incident atrial fibrillation: A population-based cohort study

6 March 2020
Author(s): Cecilia Johansson, Marcus M Lind, Marie Eriksson, Maria Wennberg, Jonas Andersson, Lars Johansson

AF is a common cardiac arrhythmia that has a prevalence of 3% and an incidence of 4 cases per 1000 person-years [1,2]. Over half of incident AF cases could potentially be avoided by optimizing or... more


Beyond anticoagulant therapy. The not benign impact of atrial fibrillation on patients’ outcomes in a real world ‘scenario’

17 March 2020
Author(s): Stefano Fumagalli

Some weeks ago, while I was visiting an old lady with a first episode of atrial fibrillation (AF), a friend of mine, a very clever cardiologist and scientist, said: “Do not worry madam, you have an... more

The possible clinical impact of a threshold left atrial diameter associated with new AF in ESUS patients

17 March 2020
Author(s): Michela Giustozzi, Maurizio Paciaroni

Embolic stroke of undetermined source (ESUS) accounts for up of 25% of all ischaemic strokes and its risk of recurrence has been estimated to be approximately 5% per year [1,2]. The concept of ESUS... more

Point of care ultrasound training in internal medicine: Steps towards standardization

17 March 2020
Author(s): Charles M. LoPresti

Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) is rapidly gaining international acceptance in the field of internal medicine. Realizing POCUS's potential to decrease procedural complication rates [1–3] improve... more

Point-of-care ultrasound in internal medicine: Establishing standards for Europe

13 March 2020
Author(s): Irene W.Y. Ma, Gigi Liu

As internists grapple with the care needs of an increasingly complex patient population with multimorbidity [1], the need for a bedside tool that will allow a more comprehensive and better assessment... more

Internal Medicine Flashcard

Skin rash and fever in a surgical patient

7 March 2020
Author(s): Joana Cordeiro e Cunha, Ana Lima Silva, João M. Mendes

A 45-year-old male recently diagnosed with colon cancer was admitted to the surgical ward with retroperitoneal abscess due to complicated retroperitoneal invasion. Percutaneous drainage of the... more

Young female patient with bilateral periorbital edema

5 March 2020
Author(s): Yasuhiro Kano, Takaie Kuki

A 19-year-old female patient presented to the emergency department with a one-week history of fever, malaise, and progressive eyelid swelling. She had no remarkable past medical history and seemed at... more

Letter to the Editor

Clinical course of primary immune thrombocytopenia with positive antiphospholipid antibodies: Author´s reply

23 March 2020
Author(s): Ana Clara Ladeira Cruz, Marina Pereira Colella, Erich Vinícius De Paula, Joyce Annichinno-Bizzachi, Fernanda Andrade Orsi

Dear Editor,

The reliability of ultrasound compression test performed by general ICU nurses in the critically ill patients: A preliminary prospective clinical study

23 March 2020
Author(s): Roman Skulec, Alena Kohlova, Lenka Miksova, Vladimir Cerny

Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) is the common complication of intensive care in the critically ill patients. Despite thromboprophylactic measures, its incidence ranges from 5 to 32% [1]. One of the... more

Safety and efficacy of outpatient management for elderly patients with uncomplicated acute diverticulitis

18 March 2020
Author(s): Karolina Juszczyk, Kelsey Ireland, Bev Thomas, Hidde M. Kroon, Paul Hollington

Dear Editor:

Active smoking is not associated with severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)

17 March 2020
Author(s): Giuseppe Lippi, Brandon Michael Henry

In the ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, some unique clinical features have been described [1]. In a report of 44,672 cases from China, a case fatality rate of 2.8% for males... more

Rituximab-associated neuropathy: About two cases

17 March 2020
Author(s): Valentin Maisons, Saleh Kaysi

Rituximab is a type I anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody, which is primarily used for treating non-Hodgkin's B cell lymphoma [1]. Clinical efficacy, safety, and modulating effects on normal, malignant pre... more

Timing of repeat plasma sodium as a risk factor for eventual sodium overcorrection in patients with severe hyponatremia

17 March 2020
Author(s): Wenhui Huang, Robert Hawkins

The clinical risk factors for plasma sodium overcorrection in patients with severe hyponatremia are well described. Unfortunately, majority of these risk factors are non-modifiable at clinical... more

Post myocardial infarction infection: Can we predict it or not? Authors' reply

10 March 2020
Author(s): YiNing Dai, YuanHui Liu, Ning Tan, PengCheng He

We would like to appreciate Athanasios Manolis and Dimitrios Varvarousis for their interest in our work [1]. In our research, we included consecutive patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction... more

The post-pulmonary embolism (Post-PE syndrome)

9 March 2020
Author(s): José Luis Alonso-Martínez, Francisco Javier Anniccherico-Sánchez, Miren Aránzazu Urbieta-Echezarreta

It is estimated that about 10 million of cases per year of venous thromboembolism (VTE) occur worldwide with substantial morbidity and mortality [1]. VTE affects mainly the older population with... more

Turkish Society of Internal Medicine choosing wisely project

7 March 2020
Author(s): Pınar Yildiz, Mine Durusu Tanriover, Serhat Unal

Choosing Wisely® is a health initiative campaign that was established by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Foundation that seeks to advance a national dialogue on avoiding unnecessary... more

Original Article

Prevalence of the age-related diseases in older patients with acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura

19 March 2020
Author(s): Pasquale Agosti, Ilaria Mancini, Francesca Gianniello, Paolo Bucciarelli, Andrea Artoni, Barbara Ferrari, Silvia Pontiggia, Silvia Maria Trisolini, Luca Facchini, Cecilia Carbone, Flora Peyvandi, Italian Group of TTP Investigators

The prevalence of older patients with acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) has increased as a consequence of significant improvements in disease diagnosis and drug availability. Patient... more

High prevalence of malnutrition in Internal Medicine wards – a multicentre ANUMEDI study

9 March 2020
Author(s): Ricardo Marinho, Ana Pessoa, Marta Lopes, João Rosinhas, João Pinho, Joana Silveira, Ana Amado, Sandra Silva, Bruno M.P.M. Oliveira, Aníbal Marinho, Harriët Jager-Wittenaar

Malnutrition has been described as a state resulting from lack of intake or uptake of nutrition that leads to altered body composition and body cell mass, leading to diminished physical and mental... more

Acidosis predicts mortality independently from hyperlactatemia in patients with sepsis

3 March 2020
Author(s): Bernhard Wernly, Nadia Heramvand, Maryna Masyuk, Richard Rezar, Raphael Romano Bruno, Malte Kelm, David Niederseer, Michael Lichtenauer, Uta C Hoppe, Jan Bakker, Christian Jung

As septic patients show high mortality rates, timely risk prediction and stratification are crucial to initiating early, aggressive, and effective treatment in this high-risk patient collective [1].... more

Epidemiological trend of hepatitis C-related liver events in Spain (2000–2015): A nationwide population-based study

3 March 2020
Author(s): Irene Mate-Cano, Alejandro Alvaro-Meca, Pablo Ryan, Salvador Resino, Verónica Briz

Hepatitis C infection (HCV) is a global health issue that is probably underestimated because HCV infection is mostly asymptomatic. A recent report has estimated that globally there are around 71... more

Review Article

Statins and inflammatory bowel disease: Where do we stand?

6 March 2020
Author(s): Spyros Peppas, Daniele Piovani, Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet, Silvio Danese, Stefanos Bonovas

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) comprises immunologically mediated diseases characterized by a costly chronic course and frequent remissions and relapses [1]. Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative... more


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