Wednesday, 6 March, 2024

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all GA representatives who joined us in Istanbul and contributed to the GA and to our congress, ECIM 2024. Once again, our General Assembly was marked by significant decisions and milestones that will shape the future EFIM. As every year we had extremely busy agenda approving and presenting several EFIM initiatives and projects.
We welcomed more than 80 participants to the EFIM General Assembly from 38 national societies of internal medicine from Europe and outside.

EFIM President, Prof. Gomez Huelgas presented the activity report for the past months spanning October to March 2024.  These initiatives include a wide range of activities aimed at advancing internal medicine practice, education, across Europe. Prof. Gomez Huelgas presented the establishment of the new Clinical Working Groups dedicated to addressing emerging challenges and opportunities within the field of internal medicine. Participation at national and international meetings and congresses, the activities of the schools, EFIM YI Section and the Early Career Subcommittee as well as the hard work of the EFIM current Working Groups and the hard efforts of ECIM 2024 Scientific committee providing diverse and engaging congress programme for all the attendees.

We are pleased to have endorsed the EFIM Bylaws collectively, as an essential step towards improving EFIM’s governance structure and operational efficiency.
We would like to congratulate the reappointment of our Treasurer, Dr. Filomena Pietrantonio for a second term, recognizing her dedication and hard work maintaining the healthy financial stabilities of the EFIM accounts.
We are working on finding the solution for the Secretary General position with our legal adviser. Communication will follow shortly.

Furthermore, we would like to congratulate Prof. Agnelli on the remarkable achievement of the European Journal of Internal Medicine (EJIM) in increasing the Impact Factor to 8.0 and to Dr. Kellett, the Editor-in-Chief of EJCRIM for the fantastic work done with the Case Reports journal.
With open arms, we welcomed many new member societies into the EFIM family, enriching our network and fostering collaboration across diverse European and global regions.
Big welcome to all our new Ordinary member societies as follows:

And our new Associate Members societies as follows:

EFIM is now comprising of 43 national societies from 41 countries in Europe and outside becoming the leading professional organisation for internists in Europe.
Finally, we would like to congratulate the Hellenic Society of Internal Medicine for winning the bid to host the next Summer School ESIM 2025-26/27 in Alexandropoulos, Greece under the leadership of Prof. Panagiotis Skendros.

Presentations from the General Assembly are available for a download below.

Full report from the General Assembly and minutes from this meeting will be published shortly.

For any suggestions and proposals please write to us on  to share your thoughts.

Minutes from the EFIM General Assembly are available for a download from the below list


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